Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Join an existing research project with one of our research staff members as a UROP! You may also propose a research project you have developed from work done in a D-Lab class or on a D-Lab fieldwork trip. See below for current listings!
Compensation for UROPs
- MIT students may receive pay or credit, or volunteer
- Non-MIT students may receive credit or volunteer
Find an MIT D-Lab UROP position
Visit the MIT ELx website to find both UROPs (and Experiential Learning Opportunities). Search "D-Lab."
Summer 2024 UROPs through ASPIRE
ASPIRE, launched in 2021, is a five year cooperative program with MIT, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG), and the Guatemalan Exporters Association (AGEXPORT) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
- A Pilot for Technology Transfer: Bioremediation of heavy metals and emerging contaminants in water using magnetic chitosan molecules obtained from shrimp shells
- Mobile laboratory for the extraction of essential oils
- Addressing postharvest losses of snow peas and sweet peas in rural agriculture
- Identification of innovative solutions to health-related problems in rural communities in Guatemala
- MIT Students
All registered MIT undergraduates in good academic standing, including transfer students. - Wellesley College Students
Cross-registered Wellesley undergraduates participating through the MIT-Wellesley Exchange Program (credit only). - Students participating in an official MIT Undergraduate Exchange
During their semester(s) of study at MIT.
More information
Subscribe to D-Lab UROP listserv
Nancy Adams, MIT D-Lab Communications Officer