Innovation Centers

Innovation Center, Brazil
Innovation Center, Brazil
Local innovators do best when they have local support.


MIT D-Lab builds the capacity of organizations around the world to support innovators in their communities to generate new ideas and prototype impactful technologies. We train, mentor, and where possible fund organizations to offer:

  • Training in design, fabrication, and/or business skills
  • Shared tools for prototype and product fabrication in a variety of materials 
  • Space in which to gather, learn, and create
  • Connection to a community of like-minded individuals 

Beyond this basic foundation, each center is unique, its offerings a reflection of its founders and the community it serves.

The Innovation Center founders and staff we work with get access to best practices collected from centers around the world for setting up shared-access shops and building traction with community members. We also expose them to our “design by” Creative Capacity Building curriculum. Where possible, we offer training for instructors, support in adapting curriculum for local needs, and funding for shop tools, materials, and startup staff

Current projects

Active D-Lab Projects Including Innovation Center Support

Past Projects

Innovation Centers we have worked with include:


Past D-Lab Projects Including Innovation Center Support



Amy Smith, Founding Director MIT D-Lab

Martha Thompson, Lecturer and MIT D-Lab Humanitarian Innovation Specialist

Libby McDonald, Lecturer and MIT D-Lab Inclusive Economies lead