D-Lab: Mobility instructor Matt McCambridge works with IDDS Botswana team on deep sand wheelchair Blog | Jul 29, 2016 | Matt McCambridge D-Lab: Mobility instructor Matt McCambridge works with IDDS Botswana team on deep sand wheelchair
New D-Lab: Gender course to be co-taught by Martha Thompson and Libby McDonald Blog | Jul 29, 2016 | Martha Thompson, D-Lab: Gender Co-Instructor New D-Lab: Gender course to be co-taught by Martha Thompson and Libby McDonald
Dan Frey named D-Lab faculty director News | Jul 27, 2016 | Nancy Adams MIT News Dan Frey named D-Lab faculty director
Wardah Inam wins D-Lab Scale Ups fellowship for social entrepreneurship News | Jul 26, 2016 | Tata Center Tata Center for Technology and Design Wardah Inam wins D-Lab Scale Ups fellowship for social entrepreneurship
D-Lab Scale-Ups awards four fellowships totaling $80,000 to social entrepreneurs News | Jul 25, 2016 | Nancy Adams MIT News D-Lab Scale-Ups awards four fellowships totaling $80,000 to social entrepreneurs
This Indian Left His PhD in the US to Create the World’s First Prosthetic Legs Made of Cane News | Jul 23, 2016 | Ranjini Sivaswamy The Better India This Indian Left His PhD in the US to Create the World’s First Prosthetic Legs Made of Cane