Working with people around the world to develop and advance collaborative approaches and practical solutions to global poverty challenges. Creating, sharing, and using collaborative research practices, actionable findings, and practical solutions. Hands-on, project-based learning. More than 15 MIT D-Lab classes offered each year! Working with diverse partners to advance and apply inclusive innovation as a methodology for tackling poverty. "Impact is not just the product of innovation – it's the process of innovation." – Amy Smith, MIT D-Lab Founding Director Previous Next
Ecosistemas de Emprendimiento Basados en Innovación en Iberoamérica: Resumen ejecutivo Ciudad de Montevideo Publication | Sep 01, 2020 | Marcelo Tedesco, Tania Serrano, Víctor Sánchez, Francisco Ramos, Elizabeth Hoffecker Ecosistemas de Emprendimiento Basados en Innovación en Iberoamérica: Resumen ejecutivo Ciudad de Montevideo
A heat and mass transport model of clay pot evaporative coolers for vegetable storage Publication | Aug 28, 2020 | Danyal Rehman, Ethan McGarrigle, Leon Glicksman, Eric Verploegen A heat and mass transport model of clay pot evaporative coolers for vegetable storage
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From Access to Usage: Digital Financial Inclusion of Smallholder Farmers in Guatemala’s Western Highlands Blog | Aug 06, 2020 | Alison Harrell, Gerson Morales Agrilinks | USAID From Access to Usage: Digital Financial Inclusion of Smallholder Farmers in Guatemala’s Western Highlands
MIT D-Lab Tackling Challenges to Scale Co-Design Summit - 2019 Uganda Video | Aug 03, 2020 | Alzar Media MIT D-Lab MIT D-Lab Tackling Challenges to Scale Co-Design Summit - 2019 Uganda