Original article and podcast on InclusiveBusiness.net
The Inclusive Business Action Network (iBAN) is a global initiative supporting the scaling and replication of inclusive business models. Through its strategic approach iBAN supports companies with tailor made investment readiness programmes and develops national inclusive business policy strategies with policymakers.
Podcast interview by Susann Tischendorf with Jona Repishti and Amanda Epting, Managers at MIT D-Lab
In this third episode of the iBAN podcast, Jona Repishti and Amanda Epting, Managers at MIT D-Lab, provide in-depth insights into their work on solving crucial global gender financing challenges and incorporating inclusive innovation processes into the work of practitioners. Why is the gender financing gap so persistent? What experiences do women from around the globe share when it comes to seeking funding for their businesses? How can we make the case for inclusive business to investors successfully? Why do shared beliefs matter more than just funding when selecting investors? And why are innovative storytelling approaches like the one of Global Scale Up X Instagram channel recently launched by MIT D-Lab and iBAN important in helping smooth the entrepreneurial journeys of female entrepreneurs?
More information
Amanda Epting, MIT D-Lab Inclusive Business Manager
Jona Repishti, MIT D-Lab Social Entrepreneurship Manager