D-Lab is hosting several exciting events in the coming weeks, and we hope that you will be able to attend!
1. Lunch in the Lab featuring Tanzanian inventor Bernard Kiwia - Thursday, April 14, 12-1pm
2. Food for Thought (Relief to Development) - Wednesday, April 27, 12-1:30pm
3. Do-It Tours making bamboo crayons at the MIT Open House - Saturday, April 30, 1-4pm
4. D-Lab Spring Showcase - early May; location to be announced!
We are creating a "D-Lab-Announce" email listserv so we can more easily share events like these with the MIT and greater Boston community. If you are interested in receiving future emails about D-Lab events and happenings, please add yourself to the mailing list here: http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/d-lab-announce
As always, you can contact d-lab@mit.edu if you have any questions, or come to the next D-Lab Open Office Hours on Tuesday, May 3rd from 11:00am-2:00pm on the 2nd floor of E34. Please note that there will be no D-Lab Open Office Hours on April 19th (university holiday) or April 26th (D-Lab staff retreat).
Now without further ado, here is some more information about our upcoming events:
Lunch in the Lab
Thursday, April 14
12:00pm - 1:00pm (informal mingling to follow)
D-Lab E34-240
Come get inspired! We'll provide lunch, and a talk by amazing inventor Bernard Kiwia.
Bernard Kiwia is an inventor from Tanzania, who currently leads technology innovation at Global Cycle Solutions in his home country. Bernard came to the first edition of the International Development Design Summit at MIT in summer 2007 as a bicycle mechanic and electrician, but left as an inventor. After connecting at IDDS with other craftsmen, technicians and hackers of sorts, he came back home to start making things, as he likes to describe his current activities. He has since invented pedal-powered machines including a water pump, hacksaw, drill press and cell phone charger, as well as numerous other technologies. His bicycle-powered cell phone charger is currently sold by Global Cycle Solutions in Tanzania. Bernard is working in D-Lab as a Designer in Residence until April 15.

Photo Credit: Erik Hersman
Food for Thought
Wednesday, April 27
12:00pm - 1:30pm (formal discussion until 1:00, followed by break-out groups)
Spofford Room 1-236
Join practitioners and academics for a discussion and brainstorming session on technologies to bridge the gap between humanitarian relief and development. Bring your own lunch - we will provide cookies and lemonade.
Do-It Tours @ MIT150 Open House
Saturday, April 30
1:00pm - 4:00pm (tours meeting at 1:00pm and 2:30pm in front of Stratton Student Center)
D-Lab E34 Floors 1-2, The Hobby Shop W31 Basement, The Edgerton Center Student Shop 44-023
MIT has a long history of invention and innovation. Please join us for a tour of some spaces that support the vibrant "do-it" culture on campus, where you will be exposed to MIT's learning-by-doing philosophy firsthand. You will have a chance to work in the Hobby Shop, Edgerton Center Student Shop, and D-Lab on a project to make bamboo crayons, which we are developing as an income-generating project for our community partners in Ghana and India. Tours will meet in Lobby 7 at 1pm and 2:30pm and are limited to 15 people. You can also feel free to just stop by our spaces to see some student projects and technology demonstrations from 1-4pm during the Open House.
The Hobby Shop is a fully equipped wood and metal shop that teaches students the art of thoughtful design. It has been fostering MIT's spirit of learning by doing for over 70 years by providing tools, training and assistance to all MIT students, faculty, staff and alums interested in turnign their ideas into reality.
The Edgerton Center Student Shop provides hands-on training in the use of machine tools, access to them, and guidance in project planning, to any current MIT student. The shop has a long history of supporting student groups at MIT, including the Solar Electric Vehicle Team, Formula SAE Team and FIRST Robotics Team.
D-Lab Spring Showcase
Early May, specific date and location to be announced!
Join students from the D-Lab Design, Energy, Health, Wheelchair Design, Developing World Prosthetics, and Disseminationg WASH Innovations classes as they present their final projects.