Final presentations & working prototypes from current D-Lab students - Friday, December 8, 5:00-7:00 pm - D-Lab, MIT N51 3rd floor (350)WHAT: Final presentations & working prototypes from current D-Lab students D-Lab: DevelopmentInstructor - Libby Hsu. TA - Johanna Greenspan-Johnston 1. Botswana Team: Asli Demir, Danielle Gleason, Rianna Jitosho, Caroline Jordan, Szabolcs Kiss, Veronica LaBelle — These Hands 2. Colombia Team: Vibha Agarwal, Gabriela Barrera, Elisabeth Boles, Milani Chatterji-Len, Scott McCuen, Emma Rutkowski, Jacqueline Shen, Nikita Waghani, Franklin Zhang — C-Innova 3. Guatemala Team: Ghada Amer, Julia Cha, Cayanne Chachati, Natalie Nicolas, Neha Rajbhandary, Tchelet Segev — Link4, Universidad del Valle Guatemala 4. India & Nepal Team: Anselmo Cassiano Alves, Viban Gonzales, Nihil Kunapuli, James Li, Jennifer Lu, Lucy Milde, Ellie Simonson, Adam Zhao — JWAFS/MIT Mechancial Engineering/MIT D-Lab 5. Kenya Team: Asia Chapman, Valerie Richmond, Alexandra Shade, Srimayi Tenali, Kimberly Villalobos Carballo — BrightGreen Renewable Energy, Foondi 6. Uganda Team: Hannah Diehl, Yu-Na Lee, Lauren Luo, Zilpa Oduor, Amanda Wu — TEWDI Uganda, Makarere University D-Lab: Gender & DevelopmentInstructors - Libby McDonald & Kate Mytty 1. Climate change adaptation with farmers: Juliana Miranda Mitkiewicz, Olivia Mae Waring, Thea Louis, Janel Mendoza — Fundacion Entre Mujeres & Universide de Central America, Nicaragua 2. Inclusive financial tools with wastepickers: Sruthi Davuluri, Raeesa Rane, Aimee Veneau, Elsa Kudzi, Karrisha Gillespie, Madhur Wale, Kate Pundyk — Wastepicker Community, Danone, & Asheshi University, Ghana D-Lab: SchoolsInstructor - Les Norford 1. Net-zero energy school - improvement to the design and operation of urban primary schools in Southeast Asia to enhance thermal comfort while minimizing energy demand and building materials: Abigail Anderson, Hellen Awino, Ciera Gordon, Eryn Halvey, Marco Rosero, Marcas Smith, Illili Tegene, Eric Wong — UC Berkeley, Nat. University of Singapore D-Lab: Supply ChainsInstuctor - Stephen Graves 1. Supply chain, operating processes, and work schedules for a burrito stand: Daysi Gomez, Veronica Jardon, Camille Stubb — Bluefields Community, Nicaragua 2. Examination and evaluation of options for scaling jewelry business: Hind Saleh, Jacqueline Simmons, Madelena Collins — Soko, Kenya 3. Analysis tool to help inform inventory control decisions: Rachel Burns, Amy Liu, Pragadeesh Meenakumar — Selco, India 4. Map and assessment of the fuel supply chains for Ungandan refugee settlements: Julia Wong, Fabiano da Silva Rocha, Anubhav Arora — UNHCR, Uganda 5. Market entry strategy for protein products to be created from press meal: Jen McDermott, Khanh-An Vu, Laura Diggans, Tal Gilad — MoringaConnect, Ghana D-Lab: WASH + ENVInstuctors - Susan Murcott & Kate Cincotta 1. N-Nitrosamine measurement & modeling: Abby Harvey, Tchelet Segev — Puerto Rico 2. Sanitation Monster: design and prototype of a feces to energy module: Hannah Hoffman, Islam Genina, Andrew Tsang — Location TBA 3. WASH insfrastructure and gender in rural Uganda: Christin Smyrilli — Uganda 4. Design of a low-cost rainwater harvesting system: Else Schlerman & Hiromi Hashimoto — Kenya 5. Review of arsenic remediation technologies for low-income communities: Prakriti Sardana — Global 6. Irrigation/water supply project in Tanzania (w/ MIT Engineers Without Borders): Johan Arango — Tanzania 7. Raingarden capture and treatment using salt-tolerant native plants: Nicole Zhao — Paramecium Pond, Wellesley College 8. WASH Behavior change: Yuxi Xia, Wahito Njau — Saha Global, Ghana 9. Throwback Weather App - Interactive Infographic that presents data of the climate of Boston/World in the last 60 years comparing with the present days.Location World: Anselmo Cassiano, Research Affiliate — Global Design for ScaleInstructors - Kate Bergeron, Harald Quintus-Bosz, & Sorin Grama. TA - Cheetiri Smith 1. Improvements to agricultural processes and irrigation: Hesper Alkestrup, Jacob Bindman, Shilpa Naik, Jana Saadi — Kethworks, India 2. A shock pylon design for trans-femoral amputees in India: Ali Abdalla, Alexandra Flaherty, Shelby Stack — Shock Pylon, India 3. Low-cost, waterless toilet for non-sewered households globally: Tyler Ashoff, Emmanuel Azuh, Wendy Bae, Ellie Simonson — change:WATER Labs, Global 4. Xylem Water Filter: Ivy Chang, Pragadeesh Meenakumar, Caroline Morris, Riddhi Shah — JWAFS/MIT MechE/MIT D-Lab, India To kick things off, D-Lab instructors gave brief overviews of their classes. Attendees then had the opportunity to speak with student teams and view all the working prototypes on display throughout the D-Lab space. |
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