Friday, December 14 at 4 pm, MIT Enterprise Forum Mexico and D-Lab will screen Oaxaca: Fertile Ground for Innovation at MIT Stata Rm. 32-141.
This is a wonderful one-hour documentary that highlights the great work of many Oaxacan leaders as well as MITEFM and D-Lab to advance community development through innovation. Intro by representatives of MITEFM and D-Lab and question period following. Featuring cameos of several D-Labbers!
4:00 PM - Welcome and Introduction - Tania Serrano (MIT EF Mx)
4:10 PM - Documentary Projection
5:12 PM - Thanks and Acknowledgments - José Pacheco (MIT / MIT EF Mx), Kofi Taha and Elizabeth Hoffecker (MIT D-Lab).
5:30 PM - Networking
For decades, the stigma of being a state where the conflict has taken its toll on the social and economic development of its inhabitants has weighed on Oaxaca, but the recognition of the capacity and talent of their communities has been left aside. "Oaxaca - fertile ground for innovation", highlights the enormous potential that exists in each inhabitant, not only of this region but of all those who consider themselves vulnerable, to find the solutions to their own problems and the way to a life more prosperous. Through the testimony of Oaxacans committed to development that innovation is already being promoted in different sectors of the economy, not only in Oaxaca but around the world, as living evidence that innovation through collaboration is the way for developing.