After their third week in the field we have some updates from each team for you. Soon they will begin preparing for their return to MIT, but for now they are still working dilligently in their host countries.
Trip leaders Derek and Amber reported from Zambia, We've been able to give charcoal demonstrations, presentations on nutriotion and Moringa, and to research soil block making as a small business for Light of Hope. We have been having a lot of fun and experienced success with many of our projects.
From Tanzania, team member Dina and trip leader Victor said: Our projects are moving along well and we are enjoying a meaningful experience. We spent the last week doing workshops at a rural school in Monduli. The kids seem to really enjoy the workshops and I even learned a few things from the classes! and later We are camped outside a very rural Maasai village where the wonderful staff from our local partner and two Maassai warriors take care of us. We are making lots of progress in building a rain water harvesting project for the school, testing the water sources for the community, documenting their traditional Maasai medicine and exploring ways to preserve their production of milk. If you want to read more about the teams adventures and work in Tanzania visit Mike's Blog.
Team member Caroline in Ghana wrote in, The last couple of days here in Kumasi and at Suame have been very busy but productive beyond our expectations! We have all enjoyed tremendously watching, and learning, from the blacksmiths who have perfected their art over many generations. the ingenuity with some of the restricted machine and technology resources available is impressive. Our days have been filled with experiences from the workshop where we all help out to weld, hacksaw, file, lathe, and hammer.
Nathan and Ben, trip leaders for one of our India teams reported: As we get ready to leave our first community partner location, and travel from Kumaon to Ranikhet, we can reflect upon what we have done and learned in this area. Some of the group were able to visit the local homes and see how rural Indians live. Just recently, we travelled to a remote site, and visited a village in the area as well as a tea field. There have been trips to the local markets for supplies and culture immersion. We are up tonight, working overtime to complete all of the projects before we leave Avani. The group is also really excited to be making pancakes for everyone here tomorrow morning as a thank you for all their hospitality.
Hopefully the teams will send more information as the begin to leave and no doubt they'll have a lot of wonderful stories to tell upon their return.