D-Lab has been invited to showcase five of its latest technological innovations to the Science, Technology and Innovation Forum to be held during the United Nations' General Assembly meeting on September 22, 2010 in New York City. The Forum will be co-hosted by the U.S. Agency for International Development and the New York Academy of Sciences. This event builds on the momentum generated from USAID’s conference – Transforming Development through Science, Technology & Innovation – which was held this past July in Washington, DC. These two events are intended to reach out to others in the U.S. Government, the private sector, foundations, and universities to highlight the use of science, technology, and innovation to solve the toughest development challenges of our century.
The Forum will feature an interactive science fair to showcase examples of current low-cost, life-saving technologies that have or can have a transformational impact in the developing world. D-Lab will be featuring 5 of the latest technologies and inventions that have come out of the lab: Bicilavadora, Global Cycle Solutions, Leveraged Freedom Wheelchair, Solar Autoclave and Spiral Pine Needle Stove. These products, like all the others that will be on exhibit from the public and private sector, demonstrate the great potential for science, technology, and innovation to solve current and future development problems.
During the first portion of the event, exhibitors will be given one minute to present their product or display to the audience. Following all presentations, the audience will then be allowed to browse and interact with all exhibitors and their displays.