This week, the International Development Innovation Network (IDIN) opened a call for Expressions of Interest for a partner to lead community-based innovation and support local innovators in Tanzania. Expressions of Interest are due May 26th.
Led by MIT’s D-Lab and supported by a consortium of university partners, IDIN is a five-year, USAID-funded program building a network of change-makers to enable the design, development, and dissemination of innovations that address poverty. IDIN recently established an Innovation Center and a local alumni chapter in Tanzania and in July 2014, IDIN will be holding an International Development Design Summit in Arusha.
Partnering with a local institution in Tanzania will allow IDIN to strengthen its presence in the area and provide deeper support to communities, network members, and projects emerging from the summits. The local partner will be responsible for organizing and supporting the IDIN network in Tanzania by administering small grants, facilitating communications between innovators in Tanzania and IDIN staff in the US, coordinating alumni meetings, connecting innovators to mentors, and identifying the needs of Tanzania innovators.
IDIN seeks a partner that can track progress of community adoption of technologies that emerge from the upcoming summit as well as support scale up of the most promising projects. IDIN anticipates requiring the support of the local partner organization through September 2017, granting a sub-award of $100,000 per fiscal year totaling $300,000.
Expressions of Interest are due May 26th. Please download application and further details here.