How do Waste Pickers Save their Money?
Financial Inclusion and the Informal Sector.
Data Collection Presentation & Panel Discussion - Friday, April 20 2:30-6 pm
MIT D-Lab: 265 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, 3rd floor/N51-350
Register to attend here!
In January 2018 four students from MIT D-Lab Gender and Development traveled to Accra, Ghana where they teamed-up with five Ashesi University D:Lab students and ran focus groups with waste pickers to understand the financial management tools they use to manage their money. On Friday April 20th they will present their findings. Afterwards, a panel of experts will address videotaped questions posed by Accra waste pickers, providing financial management advice suitable for informal sector workers.
This program was funded in part by MIT Africa Initiative - MISTI.
2:30 - 4:00 PM: Students from D-Lab: Gender and Development and Ashesi University D:Lab students present their findings on data collected and the results of a financial inclusion design workshop with waste pickers from the Accra municipal landfill and the streets of Tema New Town.
4:00 - 4:30 PM: Reception
4:30 - 6:00 PM: A panel of experts address videotaped questions posed by Accra waste pickers.
- Joyce Lehman: A financial inclusion consultant, Joyce was one of the architects of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation savings groups.
- Dr. William Derban: Co-Founder and Chair of Financial Inclusion Africa and Director for E banking and Strategic Partnerships at Fidelity Bank Ghana Ltd.
- Kim Wilson: Lecturer and researcher on markets and development at the Tufts University Fletcher School.
- Daryl Collins: Co-author of Portfolios of the Poor and Managing Director of BFA.
- Julio Del Valle: Founder of Poupa Certo and MiBolsillo, two digital PFMs in Brazil and Peru focused on low-income and microentrepreneur customers.