D-Lab Fall Student Showcase & Open House 2016

Final presentations & working prototypes from current D-Lab students - Friday, December 9, 5:00-7:00 pm - D-Lab, MIT N51 3rd floor (350)

Join the crowd that assembles at D-Lab twice a year to see what our students have been working during the semester!

WHAT: Final presentations & working prototypes from current D-Lab students
WHEN: Friday, December 9th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm 
WHERE: At D-Lab, MIT N51-3rd Floor

D-Lab students from six fall courses offered will be presenting!

D-Lab: Development, Instructors Libby Hsu and Amy Smith

  1. Botswana Team: DingRan (Annie) Dai, Ayesha Khan, Alberto Mulero, Kavya Pathak, Orlando Ward-Santos — These Hands
  2. Colombia Team: Stephanie Cheng, Anshula Gandhi, Justin Gong, Bruke Kifle, Roget Mo, Jose Padilla, Jana Saadi, Kaymie Shiozawa — C-Innova, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  3. El Salvador Team: Sally Beiruti, Kelly Chen, Katherine Dieppa — ASAPROSAR
  4. India Team: Ramkrishnamurth Bhaskharamurthi, Caroline Morris — JWAFS/MIT Mechancial Engineering/MIT D-Lab
  5. Uganda Team: Andrew Beller, Rachel Galowich, Madeline Haas, Timothy Manganello, Benjamin Teitscheid — TEWDI Uganda

D-Lab: Gender, Instructors Libby McDonald & Martha Thompson

  1. Basho (international development program that works with an aging population in post-disaster regions): Carissa Connelly (no display) 
  2. Association of Ethopian University Women: Tigist Kassahun Temesgen (no display)
  3. MIT D-Lab/ International Development Innovation Network Network CCB training, innovation centers: Gayathri Ramani (no display)
  4. MIT D-Lab Energy Group: Nai Kalema, Melissa Mangino, Anish Paul Antony

D-Lab: Mobility, Instructor Matt McCambridge

  1. Wheelchair Modification for Dessert Sand: Cady Lytle, Mina Blume, shannon McCoy, Sarah Tress  — Dkar Innovation Center, Botswana
  2. Durable Low-Cost Power Wheelchair:Sarah boet Whittaker, Scott Middleton, David Wang, Roberto Campanario — Bamboo Bicycles Beijing, Beijing, China

D-Lab: Supply Chains, Instuctor Stephen Graves

  1. Naasakle Body Care Products: Adedoyin A Olateru-Olagbegi, Erica M Waller, Lauren S Ullmann — Ghana
  2. Smart Hydro: Tom Vollmer, Tobias Alexander, Emil Ballauff, Sabrine Ahmed Iqbal, Paul Stanier — India
  3. Living Goods: Bridget Bassi, Devin M Williams, Morgan F Goodson — Kenya, Uganda

D-Lab: Waste, Instructors Kate Mytty and Jennifer Hiser

  1. Evaluating Technology in Context: Mobile Apps for Waste Pickers: Rebekah Bell, Talia Fox — Wastepickers, Brazil
  2. Mattress Recycling - Project Development: Willy DeConto, Thomas Giardina, Yanis Techagumthorn, Aldis Elfarsdottir — UTEC, Lowell, Mass.
  3. Survey on Reuseable Mugs: Ronja Pereira Haase — MIT Office of Sustainability
  4. Extending the Resueable Takeout Containers System at MIT: Tiffany Wang — MIT Office of Sustainability
  5. Torrefaction Comparative Case Studies: Deng-Tung Wang — Safi Organics/Takachar
  6. Link Between Waste Education and Behavior Change: Helen Kim — Winsor School, Boston, Mass. 
  7. Using Technology to Improve Waste Disposal in Mumbai Slum Communities: Udayan Dasgupta — TBC / Mumbai Waste Organization, India
  8. MOWA: D-Lab’s only Museum of Waste Art: 4 Pieces by D-Lab Waste Class, 2016 — In-class project

Design for Scale, Instructors Kate Bergeron, Harald Quintus-Bosz, Matt McCambridge

  1. Multicrop Thresher: Henry M Lubowe, Jahnavi Kalpathy, John Thomas B Homrich, Maya S Sathaye, Rory M Beyer — Imara Tech,Tanzania
  2. Photovoltaic Tracker: Emily J Young, Mitchell P Turley, Sade K Nabahe, Tamanna Islam Urmi — STG, Lesotho 
  3. Posture Support for Pediatric Wheelchairs: Erica M Waller, Jamie Wong, Marian J Heman-Ackah, Meghan Nicole Maupin, Rachel M Nations — Diversability Development Organization, Toronto
  4. Wheelchair Activity Tracker: Lara Markey, Pashu Pasich, Meagan Patrick — Sensen, MIT

To kick things off, D-Lab instructors will give brief overviews of their classes. Attendees will then be able to speak with student teams and view all the working prototypes on display throughout the D-Lab space. All welcome.

Reception following.