D-Lab Zambia: moringa, aluminum casting and capacity building workshops Blog | Jan 17, 2011 | Victor Grau Serrat D-Lab Zambia: moringa, aluminum casting and capacity building workshops
D-Lab Brazil: shelter, water pump, chlorination and playground Blog | Jan 17, 2011 | Victor Grau Serrat D-Lab Brazil: shelter, water pump, chlorination and playground
D-Lab: Schools in Cambodia: materials, educational technology and sanitation Blog | Jan 16, 2011 | D-Lab Staff D-Lab: Schools in Cambodia: materials, educational technology and sanitation
A typical day in Avani, India, for a D-Lab student Blog | Jan 16, 2011 | Victor Grau Serrat A typical day in Avani, India, for a D-Lab student
List of favorite things from D-Lab Rwanda Blog | Jan 16, 2011 | Victor Grau Serrat List of favorite things from D-Lab Rwanda
D-Lab Cambodia design center, emptying latrines, low cost H2S test strips and new project leads Blog | Jan 16, 2011 | Victor Grau Serrat D-Lab Cambodia design center, emptying latrines, low cost H2S test strips and new project leads